Tag Archives: Governors
Opposition to Hove Park Academy continues to grow: seventy percent against conversion
On the morning of Tuesday 15th July, ‘Hove Park not Gove Park’ badges became collectors’ items when Michael Gove lost the confidence of Dave Cameron and was demoted from Secretary of State for Education. On Tuesday afternoon, Brighton & Hove City Council announced the result of a ballot of Hove Park School parents. More than 1,500 parents had the vote and on a turnout higher than for local elections fewer than 160 voted to convert the school to an academy with more than 70% of those voting being clearly against conversion. Continue reading
Victory as Dunchurch Infant School says no to academy
Parents have recently received a letter informing them that the governors of the school have voted against the proposal to become an academy with REAch2 as its sponsor. Continue reading
Snaresbrook Primary – DfE’s actions are disproportionate and unjust.
Snaresbrook Primary School parents in East London are saying “no” to the proposed academisation of this much loved and successful local community school. The school is not failing – in fact it is among the best in the borough. Parents, the local community, councillors across all parties and MPs are all in agreement: “Snaresbrook Primary School is not broken and doesn’t need mending.” What’s more, the conduct of the Department of Eduction in this instance is disproportionate and potentially unlawful. Continue reading
Parents Forum
The NUT is helping organise a parents’ forum meeting in London on Sunday 30th June. The meeting will be attended and led by parents. It aims to build on the work and networks of parents who have organised to resist … Continue reading
Westminster – Fractious goings-on at Churchill Gardens
Fractious goings-on at Churchill Gardens primary in Westminster, where a charity set up by the academies minister, Lord Nash, with his wife, Caroline, has been in discussion with parents, staff and governors about it re-opening as a sponsored academy in September.
The school for three- to 11-year-olds has faced pressure since autumn 2011 from both the Department for Education and Conservative-controlled Westminster council to become an academy sponsored by the Future chain, following a “requires improvement” Ofsted verdict. But Churchill Gardens’ governing body voted against the plan in December. Continue reading