The case against Swedish style ‘Free’ schools

The new Tory / Lib Dem government is proposing the introduction of Swedish style ‘Free’ Schools. They claim that there is a need for more choice for parents, and that the ‘Free’ Schools are more effective.
There have been a number of recent reports which show that this is not the case. This Briefing summarises this information.


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Questions about Academies for Governors

You may feel tempted by Academy status, or that you have no choice about it. But have you thought about these?

1.      Do you know what the Act will say? Or how many amendments have been put down, which could change it?

2.      Do you know what the level of top-slicing by the Local Authority Trust is?

3.      Has the government defined how it is going to work out your share of the top-slice?

4.      Do you know what you would have to buy back if you were an Academy?

5.      Do you know how much you would get to pay for services you currently get from the Local Authority, including the following:

–         threshold payments

–         experts in educational special needs

–         educational psychologists

–         school meals

–         payroll

–         insurance

–         redundancy

–         extensive damage to buildings

–         and many more

6.      How many extra staff you would need to employ to run many of the above services?

7.      How much more it would cost you to buy back these services without the advantages of economies of scale?

8.      How you would deal with a legal challenge from teacher and support staff unions the transfer of employment (TUPE), and possible strike action?

9.      What the status of your BSF arrangements are, in the event of transfer to Academy status?

10. What the National Governors Association says about

rushing in to Academy status, and about consultation with staff and parents?

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Funding for services – LACSEG

Funding for services


Each year, Academies receive a General Annual Grant (GAG) to cover the running costs of the Academy. This includes some funding for services which the local authority would normally provide to maintained schools, which is included within the part of the GAG called the Local Authority Central Spend Equivalent (LACSEG). Where Academies receive funding through LACSEG, the intention is that they themselves should pay for these services, which may involve buying back LA services or contracting with other providers. However, the LA itself retains the funding for certain services and, in these cases, the Academy has access to these services at no cost.


The following table outlines which services are covered by LACSEG or other DCSF funding and which should be provided free of charge by the LA.


Service LACSEG? Academy situation
Provision for pupils with SEN (including assigned resources) N LA pays Academy directly
Provision for pupils with SEN not included in above. Y Included in separate SEN LACSEG if LA makes this provision. Academy can buy back from LA.
Support for inclusion N Function of LA Inclusion team in terms of supporting vulnerable children (e.g. children in care, teenage parents, ill children) and identifying pupils not on roll.
Home to school transport: SEN transport expenditure N LA responsible for Academy pupils.
Home to school transport: other transport expenditure N LA responsible for Academy pupils
Pupil Referral Units N If Academy permanently excludes pupil, LA is responsible for their education.
Behaviour support services N Up to LA whether to include Academies. Academy can get support from Education Advisor, SIP and regional National Strategies.
Education out of school N Academy should pay for in same way as maintained school e.g. if wants some out of school programmes for pupils at risk of exclusion.
Threshold and Performance Pay N Paid by DCSF
School meals – nursery and primary Y In LACSEG if LA provides this (most don’t)
Free School Meals Y Academy assesses eligibility or can pay the LA to do this.
Milk Y In LACSEG of all-age Academies
School kitchens – repair and maintenance Y In LACSEG of all-age Academies
Museum services Y In LACSEG if LA makes this provision – Academy can buy back.
Library services for nursery and primary schools Y As above
School admissions Y As above
Servicing of Schools Forums N LA sets up and supports Forums. Academies can be a member.
Staff costs – supply cover (not sickness) Y Academy responsible for own costs
Supply cover – long term sickness Y Academy can buy back if it wishes.
Termination of employment costs Y Academy responsible for own costs
Premature retirement costs/redundancy costs Y Academy responsible for own costs
Monitoring National Curriculum Assessment Y Academy responsible for own costs
Educational psychology service N LA must provide statutory services for Academy pupils for free.
SEN administration, assessment and co-ordination N As above
Therapies and other health related services Y Academy should pay for these.
Parent partnership, guidance and information N LA should advise parents with info on all schools in area, including Academies and provide Choice advisers etc. Academies may choose how they engage with parents.
Monitoring of SEN provision N LA must ensure that provision in all schools, including Academies, is meeting the needs of children with statements of SEN.
School Improvement Y Academy responsible
Pupil support Y Academy can pay for – e.g. uniform grants.
Education welfare service Y Academy can buy back from LA or buy from elsewhere. LA must provide statutory services free of charge (e.g. prosecution of parents).
Music service (not Standards Fund supported) Y Academy can buy back from LA or from elsewhere.
Visual and Performing Arts Y As above
Outdoor education including environment and field studies (not sports) Y As above

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Who are the New Schools Network, and who will profit from running their schools?

Education Secretary Michael Gove has announced plans to launch Swedish style ‘Free’ Schools.

He is preparing the legislation now.

The ‘Free’ schools proposal is new to Britain. It is modelled on the Swedish and American experiences with ‘Free’ and ‘Charter’ schools.

This proposal is being driven by the New Schools Network. This claims to have 450 groups of parents and teachers clamouring to set up their own schools.

This Anti Academies Alliance briefing looks at who runs the New Schools Network, and who will profit from running their schools.


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American Charter Schools

The following quotes are taken from Rethinking Schools
CREDO (Center for Research on Education Outcomes, Stanford University) report ‘Multiple Choice: Charter School Performance in 16 States’

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