Category Archives: Research

Deatails of research with info useful for anti-academy campaigners

Researcher looking for help

If you work or are a parents at a Harris Academy a well known researcher is looking for data. If you have any stories that you would like to share please contact us in confidence at Anti Academies email address.

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New drive for academies flies in the face of the evidence

The announcement has been made that there will be legislation unveiled in the budget to turn every school in England into an academy independent of local authority control .
Links to documents that say why this is not a good idea. With new article by Matthew Bennett, The Schools Business Continue reading

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Open academies and academy projects in development

Open academies and academy projects in development. Feb 2016

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School budget cuts ‘unprecedented’

Schools in England face unprecedented budget cuts. This follows cuts imposed by the government over the last five years that have seen many services slashed and around ten percent reduction in the budgets of sixth forms. In the new round school budgets could see reductions by as much as eight and a half percent by 2020. Inner city London areas could be hit harder, up to 24 percent in boroughs such as Southwark, Camden and Tower Hamlets. Continue reading

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Which countries punch above their weight in education rankings?

Rankings of countries based on how well their students perform in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) always receive a great deal of attention from the media and politicians. But PISA rankings, produced by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, are limited when it comes to evaluating the quality of education systems and their efforts to improve children’s lives. Continue reading

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