Collaborative Academies Trust will lose all but one of its schools

Eight of the nine schools run by the Essex-based Collaborative Academies Trust are to be moved to new sponsors.

In March, local media reported that the trust, set up by the American for-profit school improvement company Edison Learning, will walk away from five schools in Somerset this summer.

Now Schools Week has learned that the trust will also give up its flagship Willow Brook Primary School & Nursery in Essex, as well as two other primary schools –  Lumbertubs and Spring Lane – in Northamptonshire.

Willow Brook, which is rated as ‘good’ by Ofsted, will transfer to The Kemnal Academies Trust, while ‘requires improvement’-rated Lumbertubs and ‘good’ Spring Lane will move to the Bourton Meadow Education Trust.

The trust will keep control of just one school, the ‘good’-rated Kingsthorpe College in Northants, currently the chain’s only secondary institution.

Schools Week story here

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