How are schools resisting academy status?

Since the Academies Act was passed in 2010, under some circumstances the DfE has the power to force maintained schools to convert to academy status. A school is eligible for intervention if it fails to comply with a warning notice issued by the local authority, if Ofsted says it requires “significant improvement” or places it in “special measures”. But more than three years after the act, increasing numbers of schools are refusing to comply says Rob Kelsall, senior regional officer for the National Association of Head Teachers (NAHT).

“I’ve been involved in more than 60 schools fighting forced academisation. Schools are standing up for what they know is right for their children. So far, of those schools, there are only two cases where I’d say we didn’t win.”

Galton Valley school is the latest success story. After a two-year long battle with the DfE, it escaped academisation when Ofsted graded it good during a re-inspection in December 2013.

full Guardian article here

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