Demonstration at Snaresbrook Primary School against academy plans

From Snaresbrook Parentssnaresbrooke demo
A huge thank you to everyone who came to the fantastic protest last night. We estimate that around 150 parents, carers and children were there, despite the rain. We achieved what we set out to do last night: we got our voices heard (loudly) and we made sure that every meeting attendee got a copy of our statement. The protest was also attended by John Cryer MP, local councillors S Nolan and P Goody, as well as representatives from the NUT and Anti Academies Alliance. For photos, videos and reporting of the protest, see the following links:
At the meeting, the broker from the Department of Education laid out the academisation process and opened up preliminary discussions. There is still everything to play for – and we will win!
In support of our school, Councillor Richard Hoskins has tabled an emergency motion for Redbridge Council’s Thursday meeting, urging the Department of Education not to proceed with making Snaresbrook Primary School an academy: the motion has cross-party support.
We will update you when there is more news. Thanks again to everyone who made our protest such a success!
With best wishes
Snaresbrook Parents
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