Opposition to the plans to make Worthing High an academy is growing fast. From the start there has been overwhelming staff opposition and all unions have either completed or are in the process of completing ballots for industrial action in the event that the governors go ahead. The first completed ballot – that of NUT members – has indicated 97% support for action.
There is also a developing opposition among parents. After a very successful public meeting, parents set up a Parents’ Action Group which has since been active in letter writing, petitioning and leafleting.
Please send messages of support to: worthinghighacademyactiongroup
Find the campaign on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/WHSAgainstAcademy
I’ve just realised that you may not be a Worthing High Parent – sorry I misread – maybe its not our school that you feel is “despicable”!!
Angry Parent- I’m wondering if we’re talking about the same school -I’ve been perfectly happy with the school and the teachers. I have had a couple of issues and have been in and spoken about them and they have been dealt with extremely well. I’m not sure what your comment about staff turnover is based on – all schools have a % of staff that move on to other schools at the end of each year and I don’t think Worthing High is any worse. Interestingly I’ve heard that a couple of the teachers are moving to Academy schools in other areas!!
Correction- year 7s. Maybe only 11 years old!!
BEFORE EVEN THINKING OF ACADEMY STATUS…the school should be better prepared with its learning abilities.
The senior leadership team needs very close scrutiny indeed!
The examples set by staff are appalling and totally unprofessional (If this is the standard of teaching and teachers it would take a miracle to expect anything above sub standard from the students)
The staff turn over is a disgrace and shows no consistency in learning for the students who attend here especially pupils with learning difficulties.
The few good teacher never stay long. Why is that? too many similar questions are never answered.
The over familiarity between too many staff and students need to be addressed and put back to professional conduct!
The school cannot have every thing their own way. They bend rules and change there minds to suit them and them alone.
Parents are spoken to with disrespect which poses the question… what are the students receiving if parents are spoken down too and given such little respect?
Personal opinions of staff blind them to do the best for the school.
I will not give my name to protect the safety of my child who attends this despicable school. My child has suffered way too much and despite my best efforts continues to do so. What happened to schools having a duty of care to our children. If we keep them off of school and out of the very environment that is causing so much damage it is us who has the threat of prison. How does this figure!!!!
I will not comment of face book page for the same reason sorry