Submission to the DfE opposing the Seckford Stoke by Nayland Free School

In July 2011 the group Community & Parents Actively Supporting our Schools (hereafter COMPASS) made a submission to the Department for Education (hereafter DfE) setting out strong local opposition to the free school proposal by The Stoke by Nayland Academy Trust (hereafter SBNAT) to establish a new 11-16 high school in Stoke by Nayland, Suffolk in 2013, on the site of the current Stoke by Nayland Middle School. That proposal by SbNAT was turned down by the DfE.
SBNAT has since joined with the Seckford Foundation to submit a new bid to establish a free school in Stoke by Nayland. COMPASS has considered carefully the information available about the new Stoke by Nayland Free School proposal and the impact of the support being provided by the Seckford Foundation and has concluded that our opposition to a free school in Stoke by Nayland still stands. Many of our original concerns remain and additional areas of concern are raised by the Seckford Stoke by Nayland Free School (hereafter SbNFS) proposal. COMPASS represents the views of many local parents and community members in considering that the proposal for a new school in Stoke by Nayland is flawed and detrimental to the educational choices for local children.
We have set out below our concerns about the SbNFS proposal and ask that the DfE considers this submission alongside the Seckford SbNFS business case which we understand has now been received by the Department.

Click here to download the report

Click here for COMPASS-Suffolk website

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