Help build the Haringey Save Our Schools demonstration

Please see the following request to help this Saturday to publicise the Haringey-wide demonstration planned for 28th January.


Building on the huge success of our week of activity which attracted national coverage and has pushed the issue of forced academies onto the political agenda, we are urgently calling on people to support the Haringey march against academies on Saturday 28th January.

We need to build for this demonstration as we did for our mass meeting which attracted over 600 people. We want parents/carers, children, teaching staff, governors, local people and indeed anyone who cares about education to support it.

So we are asking for people to help leaflet this Saturday (21st Jan). 11am – 1pm

* Seven Sisters. Outside Tescos
* Bruce Grove. Opposite the BR station on the High Rd
* Wood Green. Outside Boots
* Green Lanes. Outside the Salisbury Pub
* Crouch End. By the old town hall.

You don’t have to do the whole two hours if you can’t but please give some time.

We are winning. Let’s go for victory!

The Save Downhills Campaign

If you can help contact the Save Downhills Campaign at

Demonstration details

12 noon Saturday 28th January

Assemble Keston Road, N15 (next to Downhills School)

click here to download leaflet

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