Save Our Community Schools
Say NO to privatisation
Saturday 28th January
Assemble 12 noon
Keston Road, N15 (next to Downhills School)
Click here to download leaflet
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Save Our Community Schools
Say NO to privatisation
Saturday 28th January
Assemble 12 noon
Keston Road, N15 (next to Downhills School)
Click here to download leaflet
This is a vital battle for the AAA to win. As many people as possible need to be at the demonstration. I live in a different London borough but believe this is more than a local issue. If Gove has his way then we can expect to see an increase in forced Primary Academies. At the moment most of the academies are in the secondary sector; if we don’t want this to be repeated in the Primary sector-get down to the demonstration.
I thinkn it’s fantastic what the community are doing at Downhills. We run a local radio show called teachers at redshift radio Crewe. We had one of the campaigners on the show and she was great, we talk about the accadamies on a regular basis so listen on line and get involved. The show is on a Sunday from 6-8pm
I live in Waltham Forest but intend to be on the demonstration. I strongly believe that this campaign could be a turning point for our side against Gove’s academies agenda. A massive demonstration could tip things our way and I think in the end the only way to defeat the Government and Gove is by a massive mobilisation.
Gove has become too bold in his attack on teachers and the education system and this could easily be a step too far. It is clear from his recent comments that teachers are all useless layabouts and should work longer. Also, they can’t be trusted to teach without being watched the whole time. He also believes that children must spend more time in school. But he doesn’t believe this should be the case for private schools only the state schools. His attack is against the working class and their children. We need to all collectively fight back against this ideologue and show him just what type of education we really want.
I have recently heard of an Ofsted report, which I believe stated that a school in special measures should be moving out of that category because it is pursuing academy status. This suggests that there is an automatic improvement as soon as a school becomes an academy. Try telling that to the latest academy that failed its Ofsted.
Could the AAA please inform us of all the names of the failed academies and keep a regular update on this site? We have to blow this lie apart. All campaigners in the AAA should have the names of the failed academies in their heads.