1,419 schools are now Academies. 69 more schools became Academies in October and 74 more applied.
58% of secondary schools have not applied to become Academies – 1846 schools
3% of primary schools have become or applied to become Academies – 515 of 15656 schools.
32 more primary schools became Academies in the last month. At this rate it will take Michael Gove 473 months to convert them all into Academies – 39 years. This shows that while the only press coverage is about how well the Academies program is going, in reality Michael Gove faces huge resistance.
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Does anyone have any information about t whether Co-operative Acadmies are any better than the rest of them. Are they the best option if we have to go down that path or are they as bad as the rest?http://www.co-op.ac.uk/schools-and-young-people/co-operative-trusts-academies/#academies
42% of secondary schools have converted, 58% have not converted
58% of secondary schools have converted? Is that correct?
I meant ‘failing’ as in this being the ‘reason’ for conversion, not because they were ‘failing’.
I’m uneasy describing the Labour academies as having previously been ‘failing’ schools, even with the quotes. They were not necessarily ‘failing’. Just as those which are being allowed to convert are, now, not necessarily outstanding. Goal posts keep changing and when schools don’t show enthusiasm for becoming academies, either we get the stick or the carrot (being a false promise of extra cash.)
Woodside High is in Haringey. It is a school that is converting to Academy status and has, amongst it’s governors one Sam Freedman, who is a “special Advisor” to Gove. It is also a non-Academy school recently praised by Gove.
Sorry, no. We’re now looking at several different types of academies:-
1. secondary schools which Labour converted/created from 2000 as they were ‘failing’
2. secondary schools which have chosen to convert once deemed to be ‘outstanding’ or ‘good’
These 2 categories amount to about 10% of secondary schools.
3. primary schools which have chosen to convert once deemed to be ‘outstanding’ or ‘good’
This is about 3% of primary schools.
In addition there are:-
4. 200 primary schools which Gove has decided are ‘failing’ and ordered to convert to academy. He doesn’t have the powers to do so without LA say so at the moment, but is driving legislation through the Lords at the moment.
5. Schools in particular LAs (Haringey is the most targeted LA at the moment) which Gove has entered negotiations with the LA about forcing conversion. He originally had his eye on over 1/3 of the borough’s school, though seems to be trying to gain leverage with the schools that are on a notice to improve.
Most schools that had had the opportunity to convert haven’t. As far as I know, most of the schools – that’s teachers, governors and parents – who have been ordered to convert or are under threat of it are resisting.
Can you provide in this data set the schools which are actually eligible to become a convertor academy ( by outstanding or good status) ? i.e what % of eligible schools are actually converting and which are standing strong?
No. About 40% of secondary pupils attend academies, about 10% of secondary schools have converted.
About 50% improve and about 50%. It’s hardly a proven track record, is it?
What freedom? The freedom to pay more for insurance? The freedom to pay more for the licence for SIMs? The freedom to be vulnerable to future Government cuts, without the safety net of a local authority, once the financial bribes run out.
It would be much cheaper for the Government to sort out the few local authorities which account for the majority of conversions. However, since these are nearly all Conservative controlled, they wouldn’t want to admit the Conservative Councils are not popular with the schools in their areas, would they?
75% of all the conversions, (as opposed to old style and including primaries) are either in Conservative Councils (70%) or Conservative coalition authorities.
42% of Secondary schools are now academies. Approx 1600 have seized the opportunity for Independence in just 18 months. That’s pretty impressive stuff from Mr Gove. Headteachers like the freedoms it offers them. Excellent !