Louth schools reject Academy proposal
“I bring good tidings for all those hard working campaigners up and down the land fighting the academies programme.
We have had the most extra-ordinary result in our campaign in Louth, which can be attributed directly to the strength of the governing bodies. We have four schools looking to merge into one new academy. We also have a county council who have just endorsed a policy to state that ALL schools should convert to academy status with CfBT.
On 8th September, the governing bodies of two of our schools met (they are currently in a hard federation). It was recommended to them that they undergo a local authority reorganisation of schools, with the new governing body making any future decision on academy status. The resolution that they passed states “it was unanimously agreed that the preferred option is to merge Monks’ Dyke Technology College, Tennyson High School, Cordeaux School and Wolds College into a single entity maintained by the Local Authority.”
Long live the stake-holder governance model that Gove is trying to smash.
And if we can bring about this type of result in Lincolnshire at the moment, it can happen anywhere.”
Read the full article here Louth Schools reject Academy proposal
See also Worries over education ‘imbalance’ as Lincolnshire County Council encourages schools to convert to academies
Kingsbury High teachers to strike against Academy proposal
Kingsbury High NUT and NASUWT members will be on strike on Thursday 29th September against their Governors proposal to convert the school into a Gove academy. The Parents Action Group are supporting the teachers, pupils have already had a strike during the school day last term and the local community including the councillors are strongly against the conversion.
Messages of support to geoffrey.williams@
Kingsbury High teachers to strike against Academy proposal
See also
Staff to strike over Kenton School academy plan
Kenton School staff strike over academy plans
New Anti Academies Website
Our new website is now live. It includes a bulletin board for people to raise questions and responses, space for comments on stories, an ‘Academy Watch’ area and enhanced news reporting.
How can the Anti Academies Alliance help your school?
Sinec the beginning of term we have been have been asked to speak at numeroud meetings. These include Governors meetings, parents meetings, union meetings and others.
The Anti Academies Alliance is happy to work with head teachers, governors, parents and staff to develop a campaign to prevent your school becoming an Academy.
Please contact the office if you need help. office@antiacademies.org.uk
Anti Academies Autumn newspaper
35,000 copies of the latest Anti Academies newspaper have already been distributed. With Gove determined to force through his Academies in every school in the country it is a crucial campaigning tool.
Free to parent groups and local campaigns
£3 per hundred to union branches
Postage – Free to parent groups / local campaigns / Governors
Others: 100 – £3 : up to 500 – £10 : up to 1000 – £20
email orders to: office@antiacademies.org.uk and we will invoice you
Or click here https://antiacademies.org.uk/2011/09/anti-academies-autumn-newspaper/
TUC march – Manchester for the Alternative
On Sunday 2nd October the TUC have called a march in Manchester. This is to coincide with the Tory Party conference in the city.
At our recent National Steering Committee it was agreed that the Anti Academies Alliance would support the demonstration and encourage all our supporters to participate.
Sunday 2nd October
12 noon Liverpool Rd. (off Deansgate) Manchester M3 4JR.Click here for more details http://www.tuc.org.uk/industrial/tuc-19939-f0.cfm?regional=5
Other news
Scientists demand tougher guidelines on teaching of creationism in schools
Accrington Academy (ULT) installs 151 security cameras
Furness Academy land inquiry begins
Free Schools need to make a profit to succeed – Mail Online
Somerset head’s moral doubt over academy schools
School must repay £600,000 loan
The trust behind UK’s controversial academy schools seeks PR agency
Not-so-civil servants reveal crisis of confidence in DfE
More news stories here http://www.delicious.com/antiacademies
Anti Academies Alliance Financial Appeal
The Anti Academies Alliance has launched a Financial Appeal to help build the opposition to Academies and ‘Free’ Schools.
Read our Appeal, and download the leaflet, here https://www.antiacademies.org.uk/Home/financial-appeal
Campaign materials
Make your campaign stall / meeting complete with Stickers / Balloons / Mugs / T Shirts https://www.antiacademies.org.uk/Home/merchandise
Having trouble keeping up with the news on Academies and Free Schools?
You can follow the Anti Academies Alliance on
Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/pages/Anti-Academies-Alliance/178831804728?ref=ts
Twitter – http://twitter.com/antiacademies
Summary of Twitter news – http://feedity.com/rss.aspx/antiacademies-org-uk/UVFTW1JS
Delicious – http://www.delicious.com/antiacademies